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Short-term Rentals in Rome, ItalyRent an apartment in Rome in the heart of the Eternal City.Welcome to Rome and to Short-term Rome Web site. We offer fully furnished apartments in the heart of the historical center of Rome for daily, weekly, and monthly stays. 5 Good reasons for choosing Short-term Rome:Amazing location, Short-term Rome apartments' are located in unique Rome areas, such as Colosseum, Pantheon and Piazza Navona; Unbeatable prices, Short-term Rome does not fear comparisons vs competitors and, not even to mention, vs hotels' prices; 360° information, Short-term Rome is not only accomodation in Rome but provides you with important info & direct links to low-cost flights, restaurants, shopping, pubblic trasport and much more; Fast, few clicks and your holiday in Rome is fully set; Transparent: no tricks, no surprises. On Short-term Rome the vacation apartments are described with pictures, floor-plans and maps. |
Short-term Rentals Rome would like you to experience the comfort and the flexibility of feeling at home in Rome! |