>> Links

In this page we have listed the links used in the website. Most of these sites are in English and in Italian as well as many other European languages.

A.t.a.c. - public transportations in Rome and itineraries

Adobe - download free Acrobate Reader and more

Aereoporti di Roma - Rome airports official web site

Airport Shuttle - link from/to Leonardo da Vinci Int. airport

Capitolium - webcams and ancient Rome

Centro Turistico Studentesco - low fares for students and young

Comune di Roma - city hall official web site

In Italy Online - Italy guide [The Basilica of Santi Quattro Coronati]

Maporama - maps and itineraries

Parmesan.no - Norwegian website about Italy

Rome Guide - comprehensive city guide

Telecom Italia Mobile - mobile phone company

Terravision - low-cost bus to Termini central station

Tuttocittà - maps and itineraries

The Holy See - official web site

Vodafone - mobile phone company

Wanted in Rome - classified advertising magazine

Wind - mobile phone company

WMF - word monuments fund

X-Rates - currency calculator

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